Sunday, 8 December 2013


Maritime  belt is that part of the sea over which the coastal state can exercise their sovereignty. Although the coastal state exercises their sovereignty over such part of the land of the sea there should be a definite limit of the distance of the maritime belt. The coastal state can’t cross the limit.

According to Article 2(3) of the U.N. Convention on the law of the Sea, 1982, the sovereignty over the territorial waters is exercised subject to the convention and other rules of international law.

The distance of the maritime belt from the coastal area was 3 miles till 18th century. It was decided by the cannon rule. Cannon rule was that the width of the maritime belt extends to that distance where cannon can fire. The range of cannon shot was increased for the result of the scientific invention. In 1958 a conference is called in Geneva, conference on the law of the sea, to newly determine extends of maritime belt. But they failed. Another convention is called in 1960, called as U.N. conference on the law of the sea. They presented a formula that the width of the maritime belt should be 6 miles beyond this 6 miles the coastal states should be given rights for fishing etc. for another 6 miles. After much argument the width is fixed as 12 miles. And it has already become a part of international customary law.

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